
Showing posts from February, 2023

La Lectura Comprensiva, la Interpretación y la Re-Narración

   Análisis de un cuento | Para practicar de manera autónoma. Analysing a Short Story Read the story The Leg of Lamb. Focus on the events, I mean, what happens in the story. Do not worry about the meaning of words, expressions or grammar. We need you to just get the main idea. You can write a list of events if you want. 👉 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SHORT STORY "THE LEG OF LAMB" 👈   Read the story  The Perfect Crime.   Focus on the events, I mean, what happens in the story. Do not worry about the meaning of words, expressions or grammar. We need you to just get the main idea. You can write a list of events if you want. 👉 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SHORT STORY "THE PERFECT CRIME" 👈 IMPORTANTE:   Este es un sitio de DIFUSIÓN.  Las consultas deben dirigirse a los sitios y medios oficiales.